Monday, November 08, 2004

I have been inspired to write this blog after reading my very best friend's post.
I have to admit, I have been extremely envious of her at times. Not in a contemptuous way, but in that 'what if' way.
You see, she has everything going for her. She has a great job, a nice house (though I haven't seen it, knowing her, it is great) a nice car and a way to go out and achieve things in that peculiar Capricorn manner. She is also wildly intelligent and talented.

I often wonder, why is she my friend? I am sure there are other people out there who have a lot more going for them than I have. I am 27, with a toddler, a husband and just enough money to stay off the breadline. I also live in one of the crappiest areas of Glasgow and my career still hasn't reached the dizzying highs that I thought it would have reached by the time I hit 30.

I do wonder what would have happened had I stayed in Chicago and not followed love to Scotland. One thing is for sure, I more than likely would have been single and I definitely would not have had children. However, I am grateful for what I have.

My best friend is my best friend because she accepts me for what and who I am. Unlike others, she recognizes that being a mother is a valuable job in its own right. She doesn't patronize me because of it (unlike some people who say 'but you're a mom, Leslie, that is better than a career.') She also tells me like it is and I am not put off by what she says, for if you love someone, they should be able to lift you up as well as bring you down to earth when you need it.

So yes, I do envy her, but I love her too. I love that she lives her life on her terms and she does not compromise herself for anyone. I am glad that although her life has gone through extraordinary changes, we still remain a constant for each other.


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