Thursday, November 18, 2004

What an effing day....
I have decided that my son is not my son. He is a changeling. I read about changelings in a French fairy tale book when I was little. An evil fairy comes and takes your baby and replaces it with hers. This evil little imp is a doppleganger for your child, and he makes mischief for you. I've forgotten how you get your baby back; I suppose I should google French fairy tales and changelings.

The poor thing is suffering with a cold and sniffles, so I understand that he is cranky. However, that does NOT mean that you stay up until midnight and keep your parents up until 2 am. I was more than happy to drop him off this morning and of course, he turned his big, brown eyes on me and gave me a gorgeous smile. All was forgiven.

Only an hour to go and I am so tired. I am waiting for a colleague to call; she has invited me to see the new Bridget Jones movie. I usually don't do things during the week, but I really want to see this movie. I know I hate rom-coms, but I did like the first one.

Hopefully tomorrow is a better day. I could honestly use a break right now. Not like a vacation or a getaway, but a chance. I probably have a cat's chance in hell of getting a contract in this department, so I am getting a bit down. Someday my chance will come.....


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