Friday, November 19, 2004

Went to see Bridget Jones last night and was pleasantly surprised. Like I said, I usually don't like movies like that, but it was good and it's nice to see a movie that leaves you with a warm, fluffy feeling inside. You can't help liking Bridget Jones as she is such a loveable character. I suppse we all love a person that is slightly flawed and and just like us.

I have had several Bridget Jones type moments when I was single, and I am quite happy that part of my life is over. Still, it is a bit fun to be single and enjoy the thrill of a chase. I haven't really been single since I started dating seriously. It's not that I needed to be in a relationship; men just seem to fall in love with me, ha ha!

Am wearing a low-cut top and I am feeling very sexy for a fat girl. I do wish my tits were closer together to give me the appearance of clevage. What is the use of having big breasts if they sit a mile apart. I quite like my ass today as well. I don't care what anyone else thinks, I think I look good for today. My ego was deflated when I went for a hair consultation and the hairdresser compared my hair to Gore-Tex. Oh well, at least I don't need an umbrella when it rains.

Doing my bit for chairidee tonight so this should be laugh. I am really tired and I don't feel like doing anything but I'm sure it will be a good night. No job yet and I am getting desparate. Am thinking of sleeping my way to the top...


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