Monday, November 22, 2004

Had a pretty interesting weekend and today I am feeling rough as a badger's backside.
As I said on Friday, I did my bit for charity, though I was terribly tired. Was considering leaving but I did promise to do it, and I am a woman of my word. Spent most of the evening standing around stairwells and spotting minor Celebs. I pretty much wandered around and chatted to the security personnel. So, not an eventful night really. Was thinking of going home until I found out there was free booze afterwards. Decided to make the best of a boring situation.

Went to the wrap party and no one I knew was there. Sat with a beer and felt like a lemon. I forgot that the BBC can be a bit clique so I was terribly bored. Was going to leave, but was persuaded to stay by a co-worker. Got chatting to him and he is very interesting. He plans on proposing to his girlfriend at New Year's Eve when he is in New York. I told him not to be cheesy and propose in a horse-drawn carriage ride through Central Park. Instead, I told him to take her on the Staten Island Ferry (I think it costs $1), wait until the ferry is going back toward Manhattan, and propose to her onboard, in front of the famous New York skyline. She'll love it.

Decided to stay for another beer and then the celebs came up and joined us. Didn't really give a damn because unless you are a head of state or a prominent civil rights activist or writer, I am not impressed. Most of them were reality TV "stars" so I really didn't care. Was talking to one such loser and decided he was in the running for biggest jack-off I've ever met. Bored silly now.

Notice a comedian I had spoken to months ago. I had no idea who he was when I first spoke to him, but I liked his shoes and told him so. Struck up another conversation about shoes and told him I found a pair similar to his. He was impressed. Chatted away to him and the winner of last year's Big Brother. We were getting on like a house on fire. Decided to have a laugh at a Pop Idol losers lyrics in my office. They ask me to join them on a night out. I went and we ended up at a gay club. The comedian is gay, I am married and the Big Brother winner is a committed Christian and virgin. Have the time of my life dancing and singing. Big Brother winner keeps getting spotted. Close the club down. I am called a gay icon at the end of the night. Feel on top of the world!!!!!! Get home at 5 a.m.

Saturday and I am feeling okay. Slight stomach ache because of alcohol. Neck is killing me from whipping my head wildly to Gwen Stefani. Football is on, so won't see hubby. Meet a friend for a spot of shopping and lunch. Little sister calls and we have a good chat. I love speaking to her.Relax in front of the couch with a Chinese takeaway, Moulin Rouge! and Quills. The weekend could only get better if lottery numbers fall.

Sunday and mama I am not a millionaire. Hubby is feeling the effects of too much alcohol and is suffering. We decide to see a movie, the Incredibles. It is a great film and I want to see it again almost immediately. Pixar rules!!! Speak to Chris and I get tearful. Not happy with the direction my life is heading. He makes me realize how lucky I am. Looking forward to seeing them in the New Year. Get sad again. Monday morning looms....


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