Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Feeling horrible today. Have an almighty head cold and cough and I feel as though I am walking around in a fog all day. My chest feels as though I have smoked about 50 Marlboro Reds and a few Camel unfiltered just for laughs. Throat feels as if I have if I have swallowed a handful of razor blades and washed them down with lava. Yes, I am sick. I don't mind moaning about it either.

Had a laugh that my best friend is getting a cat. She doesn't strike me as a cat person, however, she doesn't strike me as a non-cat person either. I guess it is because once when I was babysitting a cat, she came over and the cat jumped on her. She told me in no uncertain terms that she WILL fight a cat. I would like a cat but I have a kid instead.

I now have two vices in my life--coffee and blogging. I love blogging-it's a way to get it all out. I have no idea what caused me to start on coffee, but now I can't stop. I must have my daily fix in order to get going. I have never really liked coffee, but now I can't live without it. Will need to get a coffee maker at home.

THIS JUST IN-- My story didn't run and I am depressed. The line cut off. It was a good story as well, but shit happens.

I won a pair of cowboy boots on ebay and I am now waiting for them to arrive. I can't wait, because I really wanted them and I must have at least one trendy piece for the season. Hopefully, I will get a turquoise belt to wear with my boots.

Am doing a Thanksgiving dinner for family and friends on Thursday and I am well excited. I hope it goes well.


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