Thursday, December 16, 2004

I realise that I have not blogged in ages, partly because I have been busy. Must blog today on the count that by VBF (Very best friend) will fight me if I don't. I mean it, she will fly over here, kick my ass and fly back home. I guess I would be worried too if someone wrote that they were sick and then you didn't hear from them again. So, here I am, fit and healthy, with a bit of blocked sinuses.

Thanksgiving went down a storm and I just may have guests for Christmas. It will at least give me the chance to go shopping for wonderful new dinnerware. I really want to make the table look stunning, but I have such a limited budget, it may prove difficult. However, I may be able to go to the £1 shop and get some things. Have just realised that Christmas is next Saturday and I have no Christmas food in the house. Had better get on top of it this weekend.

There is a newsroom Christmas party tonight but am not sure if I am going. I have nothing to wear and my hair looks like an experiment gone wrong. However, I will definitely be at the BBC Party tomorrow night. I am bartending so I guess I have to be there.

Have decided to go freelance. I am finished in the Newsroom tomorrow and I will try my hand at freelancing. Will get a part time job in order to finance it. Determined NOT to give up on my career!