Thursday, January 05, 2006

Wow, haven't done this in awhile! Got inspired to write again after someone checked out my blog and commented on it. I have a job now, still at the BBC, but not doing quite what I want to do. I've also moved to a better house. Kid is still driving me crazy but I wouldn't have it any other way. I think I am going to change direction of this blog; it'll be more the world around me. Head over to This Glasgow Life if you want to read about an African-American woman's life in Scotland. Starting next week, expect a different Random Rants and Raves. Best wishes for a great 2006!

Friday, February 25, 2005

It has been a while so Happy New Year and I hope everyone had a nice Christmas.
I am currently jobless and after submitting what must seem like endless applications, I got an interview. I thought it went well but, I haven't got the job. C'est la vie, I suppose.

I don't think I'll ever find a job. I think I will be a penniless scrounger all of my life. I am really getting depressed about it and it seems like everyone is getting somewhere except for me. I can't seem to catch a break. It's like the Greek myth of Sisyphus and his stone. Everytime I roll it up to the top, it crumbles and falls down again. It's a bit shit, really.

I see so many talentless and unskilled wankers and twats on tv and in newspapers and I wonder, how the fuck did they get there? Maybe I am doing something horribly wrong.

I caught up with some friends today and that was ace. I feel better for that. Also, in 30 minutes I will be going home to my lovely family and getting much needed love. Families are great for that.

Spare a thought for all of those in pain or those that are suffering. Whatever my crisis, I am better off than 4 billion people.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

I realise that I have not blogged in ages, partly because I have been busy. Must blog today on the count that by VBF (Very best friend) will fight me if I don't. I mean it, she will fly over here, kick my ass and fly back home. I guess I would be worried too if someone wrote that they were sick and then you didn't hear from them again. So, here I am, fit and healthy, with a bit of blocked sinuses.

Thanksgiving went down a storm and I just may have guests for Christmas. It will at least give me the chance to go shopping for wonderful new dinnerware. I really want to make the table look stunning, but I have such a limited budget, it may prove difficult. However, I may be able to go to the £1 shop and get some things. Have just realised that Christmas is next Saturday and I have no Christmas food in the house. Had better get on top of it this weekend.

There is a newsroom Christmas party tonight but am not sure if I am going. I have nothing to wear and my hair looks like an experiment gone wrong. However, I will definitely be at the BBC Party tomorrow night. I am bartending so I guess I have to be there.

Have decided to go freelance. I am finished in the Newsroom tomorrow and I will try my hand at freelancing. Will get a part time job in order to finance it. Determined NOT to give up on my career!

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Feeling horrible today. Have an almighty head cold and cough and I feel as though I am walking around in a fog all day. My chest feels as though I have smoked about 50 Marlboro Reds and a few Camel unfiltered just for laughs. Throat feels as if I have if I have swallowed a handful of razor blades and washed them down with lava. Yes, I am sick. I don't mind moaning about it either.

Had a laugh that my best friend is getting a cat. She doesn't strike me as a cat person, however, she doesn't strike me as a non-cat person either. I guess it is because once when I was babysitting a cat, she came over and the cat jumped on her. She told me in no uncertain terms that she WILL fight a cat. I would like a cat but I have a kid instead.

I now have two vices in my life--coffee and blogging. I love blogging-it's a way to get it all out. I have no idea what caused me to start on coffee, but now I can't stop. I must have my daily fix in order to get going. I have never really liked coffee, but now I can't live without it. Will need to get a coffee maker at home.

THIS JUST IN-- My story didn't run and I am depressed. The line cut off. It was a good story as well, but shit happens.

I won a pair of cowboy boots on ebay and I am now waiting for them to arrive. I can't wait, because I really wanted them and I must have at least one trendy piece for the season. Hopefully, I will get a turquoise belt to wear with my boots.

Am doing a Thanksgiving dinner for family and friends on Thursday and I am well excited. I hope it goes well.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Had a pretty interesting weekend and today I am feeling rough as a badger's backside.
As I said on Friday, I did my bit for charity, though I was terribly tired. Was considering leaving but I did promise to do it, and I am a woman of my word. Spent most of the evening standing around stairwells and spotting minor Celebs. I pretty much wandered around and chatted to the security personnel. So, not an eventful night really. Was thinking of going home until I found out there was free booze afterwards. Decided to make the best of a boring situation.

Went to the wrap party and no one I knew was there. Sat with a beer and felt like a lemon. I forgot that the BBC can be a bit clique so I was terribly bored. Was going to leave, but was persuaded to stay by a co-worker. Got chatting to him and he is very interesting. He plans on proposing to his girlfriend at New Year's Eve when he is in New York. I told him not to be cheesy and propose in a horse-drawn carriage ride through Central Park. Instead, I told him to take her on the Staten Island Ferry (I think it costs $1), wait until the ferry is going back toward Manhattan, and propose to her onboard, in front of the famous New York skyline. She'll love it.

Decided to stay for another beer and then the celebs came up and joined us. Didn't really give a damn because unless you are a head of state or a prominent civil rights activist or writer, I am not impressed. Most of them were reality TV "stars" so I really didn't care. Was talking to one such loser and decided he was in the running for biggest jack-off I've ever met. Bored silly now.

Notice a comedian I had spoken to months ago. I had no idea who he was when I first spoke to him, but I liked his shoes and told him so. Struck up another conversation about shoes and told him I found a pair similar to his. He was impressed. Chatted away to him and the winner of last year's Big Brother. We were getting on like a house on fire. Decided to have a laugh at a Pop Idol losers lyrics in my office. They ask me to join them on a night out. I went and we ended up at a gay club. The comedian is gay, I am married and the Big Brother winner is a committed Christian and virgin. Have the time of my life dancing and singing. Big Brother winner keeps getting spotted. Close the club down. I am called a gay icon at the end of the night. Feel on top of the world!!!!!! Get home at 5 a.m.

Saturday and I am feeling okay. Slight stomach ache because of alcohol. Neck is killing me from whipping my head wildly to Gwen Stefani. Football is on, so won't see hubby. Meet a friend for a spot of shopping and lunch. Little sister calls and we have a good chat. I love speaking to her.Relax in front of the couch with a Chinese takeaway, Moulin Rouge! and Quills. The weekend could only get better if lottery numbers fall.

Sunday and mama I am not a millionaire. Hubby is feeling the effects of too much alcohol and is suffering. We decide to see a movie, the Incredibles. It is a great film and I want to see it again almost immediately. Pixar rules!!! Speak to Chris and I get tearful. Not happy with the direction my life is heading. He makes me realize how lucky I am. Looking forward to seeing them in the New Year. Get sad again. Monday morning looms....

Friday, November 19, 2004

Went to see Bridget Jones last night and was pleasantly surprised. Like I said, I usually don't like movies like that, but it was good and it's nice to see a movie that leaves you with a warm, fluffy feeling inside. You can't help liking Bridget Jones as she is such a loveable character. I suppse we all love a person that is slightly flawed and and just like us.

I have had several Bridget Jones type moments when I was single, and I am quite happy that part of my life is over. Still, it is a bit fun to be single and enjoy the thrill of a chase. I haven't really been single since I started dating seriously. It's not that I needed to be in a relationship; men just seem to fall in love with me, ha ha!

Am wearing a low-cut top and I am feeling very sexy for a fat girl. I do wish my tits were closer together to give me the appearance of clevage. What is the use of having big breasts if they sit a mile apart. I quite like my ass today as well. I don't care what anyone else thinks, I think I look good for today. My ego was deflated when I went for a hair consultation and the hairdresser compared my hair to Gore-Tex. Oh well, at least I don't need an umbrella when it rains.

Doing my bit for chairidee tonight so this should be laugh. I am really tired and I don't feel like doing anything but I'm sure it will be a good night. No job yet and I am getting desparate. Am thinking of sleeping my way to the top...

Thursday, November 18, 2004

What an effing day....
I have decided that my son is not my son. He is a changeling. I read about changelings in a French fairy tale book when I was little. An evil fairy comes and takes your baby and replaces it with hers. This evil little imp is a doppleganger for your child, and he makes mischief for you. I've forgotten how you get your baby back; I suppose I should google French fairy tales and changelings.

The poor thing is suffering with a cold and sniffles, so I understand that he is cranky. However, that does NOT mean that you stay up until midnight and keep your parents up until 2 am. I was more than happy to drop him off this morning and of course, he turned his big, brown eyes on me and gave me a gorgeous smile. All was forgiven.

Only an hour to go and I am so tired. I am waiting for a colleague to call; she has invited me to see the new Bridget Jones movie. I usually don't do things during the week, but I really want to see this movie. I know I hate rom-coms, but I did like the first one.

Hopefully tomorrow is a better day. I could honestly use a break right now. Not like a vacation or a getaway, but a chance. I probably have a cat's chance in hell of getting a contract in this department, so I am getting a bit down. Someday my chance will come.....